Thursday, August 24, 2017

monster whale

When whale of a game
Takes a new fame
Moving up fifty steps
and a drop so blue.

what are you chasing
pleasure and pain bearing
as you move up the steps
only to realize the wingless never flew.

withdrawn into the shell
you get so close to the kill
the illusion of climbing steps
actually sucking you down into the stew.

What of the dear ones
those that stay back with wet eyes
when you soar up delusionary steps
mourning your loss in the pews.

Tag and seven stones
break no bones
snakes and ladders many steps
Remember the whale is no fish.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Bolt no more

When you saw the heels
Two pairs of heels
You didn't look sideways 
You could see their back. 

The chasers changed roles
Though you didn't choose
Through their grimace 
Visible success on their face. 

You have not lost
Never in the past
Young age and fresh legs
Brought your rest closer. 

Au revoir athlete
Par excellence 
Your sprint etched in memory 
We wait for another bolt. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

solitary crane

the pride of place
sticking out from the crown
straight as an arrow
I surveyed the countryside.
shot up in feet
reaching out to higher glory
as the building grew
I remained above all.
the builders did not return
the machinery all silent
the growth now stunted
I stand tall gathering dust.
forgotten and unsung now
immobile and unmanned
resting ground for avians
I have now become a fixture.
once again life sprouts around
spanners on the nuts and bolts
limbs come off
I am being dismantled.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

whatsup whatsapp

Bugs bunny relaxing and chewing on a carrot while blurting out a nonchalant 'what's up doc' fills up my memory screen when my phone chimes an incoming WhatsApp message. When Elmer Fudd the hunter pokes Bugs Bunny with a loaded double-barrel this nonchalant response was a game changer. There was no scurrying of rabbit-feet nor screams which would have been the expected response those days in a comic. Instead, the long-limbed rabbit lying in a very relaxed pose spits out a 'whats up doc?' from the corner of his mouth. Acton and Koum, when their journey from Yahoo to Facebook did not happen, decided to develop a social app and called it 'WhatsApp' a derivative of 'what's up'. And as they say, rest is history.
WhatsApp too has been a game changer. While Yahoo groups, Orkut and facebook have been instrumental in reviving old ties and friendships, Whatsapp brought about a paradigm shift in social communication. Of course, it has also brought along a new set of maladies.
Realisation hit me a couple of weeks ago that I am rushing in the morning to complete my chores, whereas I used to relax and enjoy my cuppa while flipping through the newspaper. And the culprit I could see was WhatsApp. Over the past year, I have been discovered by long lost friends and herded into groups - school groups, class groups, like-minded groups. For someone with the multiple lives spent in 9 schools, two colleges and six jobs, there is no dearth of groups for me.Wading through the messages in the morning was eating into my otherwise relaxed schedule. I am trying to collate here the experiences gathered at these various groups.
The work of the roosters has now been taken over by the roosters within your whatsapp groups. One can do away with wake-up alarms now as these new generation roosters are very punctual. Without missing a day they send out the morning greeting at the same time day after day. These greetings will also have some pearls of wisdom. These pearls of wisdom invariably are forwards which the sender might  not have even read nor understood.
Members in a new group are like kids with a new toy. The first few days in a new group are worse than what probably happened at the tower of Babel. Everyone tries to have one-to-one conversations and there are few meaningful group conversations. Many egos bite the dust and the hurt ones take the exit route. School groups, especially if the re-connection is happening after a couple of decades or more, will start off with introductions and exchange of photographs and old stories. Once most of this is done, an awkward silence begins. The conversation graph goes south and the stale meaningless forwards become the only activity in the group. These groups do hit a peak now and then when a new member joins or when one of the member has an anniversary.
When one is a member of a multitude of groups,one is prone to certain occupational hazards. Some of the forwards get re-forwarded to the same group. My standard excuse in such instances is that the forward was so good that it deserved a re-forward.Generally such 'mistakes' go unnoticed as many members dont read all conversations. However there is also a breed of nit-pickers who take great pleasure in pointing out such oversights. 
In a multi-linguistic country it is inevitable that some members send out forwards in minority languages. The linguistic champions then descend on such unfortunate victims like a tonne of bricks, admonishing them for the sacrilege committed. 
Epic writers are another bane for the whatsapp community. Blog writers who send out their long-winded lectures in the forum do not realise that most of their stuff never gets read. The famous US Navy doctrine of KISS applies here too - Keep It Simple(short) Stupid. 
The knights in shining armour are the modern day Don Quixotes. They strike at every windmill and take pride in slaying hoaxes. Unsubstantiated forwards and misleading 'authentic' information need to be nipped in the bud. The Hoax Slayers are a community I personally appreciate. 
I wonder what happens with all this digital communication that is flying back and forth. The ease of use and the non-expensive nature has helped in the proliferation. There are huge servers dotting the universe which store and relay these messages. The energy used up by these machines to transmit trivia to and fro is adding to the carbon footprint. I have read somewhere, I am not in a position to verify this, that a  typical year of incoming mail for a business user – including sending, filtering and reading – creates a carbon footprint of around 135kg. That's over 1% of of a relatively green 10-tonne lifestyle and equivalent to driving 200 miles in an average car. These calculations could be best guesses, but they are worth giving a thought to.
A simple 'hello' or even a 'whatsup doc' has now evolved into an addictive communication malady that influences our daily lives in more ways than we can think of.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Work life - a new definition ?

Today is a Friday. In this part of the world, it is a 'Sunday'. However in the virtual world that we all have migrated to, the 'day' and time does not matter. The sun never sets on the cyber empire. My queries of yesterday, my yesterday, are fetching me answers even as I write this, from people who have just started the day. Time seems to have ceased to be the fourth dimension. The working day seems to have become a continuum.

I work on my present through the emails and the forums that I am active in. Every 'ping' and 'pop-up window' pulls me into the present and  'here'. It injects an urgency into me and makes me react immediately. It tosses all my 'time management' lessons out of the window. Makes me drop everything and react.  The emails are so here and so now that it is not strange to get a follow-up phone call with every mail. At the office the colleague in the cubicle across sends a mail and then walks over to remind you to check the mail.  My daughter, then a school going kid, once spent half-day at my office with me. While we drove back home her question was - is mailing the only activity that you do at the office? Very observant! 
Are we seeing an overdose of communication in the corporate world? Yes, email threads (they should be called ropes) twist and turn adding new tributaries flowing through the organization. Every fibre added to this thread has its creator's signature and shouts out a loud 'Yes I am also here'. Some contributors pick up the wrong end of the thread and respond resulting in the thread going in two different directions at times. This often happens when simultaneous responses are given. While 'Great minds think alike' the simultaneous responses need not be similar. The responses can then see a branching of the thread. The email thread now becomes a many-headed Hydra. Like the mythological Hydra for every broken thread, multiple threads come up. The only Hercules who can perform this labor successfully is either the head of the organization or a major system crash.
As all 'e' gets replaced with 'm', we are now over-reliant on mobile communication. Not voice but text and all other media. Corporate communication too has percolated to WhatsApp, boon or a bane time alone can tell.  I have managed a day at the office using my cell phone to do almost all the work when I forgot the laptop at home. It wasn't too difficult. I know a colleague who hardly uses his laptop, constantly on the phone and in a coffee shop. Of course, he must now be wearing a neck collar.
This flexibility of work hours and office space becoming all-pervasive has impacted the working hours greatly. Telecommuting, working from home are all fancy words for not having to shave, bath, dress up and commute. One can slouch around in PJs in one's favourite resting place at home and work. The downside is that there are no fixed hours to this working lifestyle. The communication expectations have now scaled new levels. Personal or official, one is expected to respond instantly. Time or day of the week is immaterial.
So in today's world with the workspace and work hours creeping into one's personal space and time, it was indeed a whiff of fresh air when the French government ruled in favour of employees to disconnect from work after work hours. The seamless work hours has created an explosion of undeclared labour. It has also resulted in expectations that border on the impossible. When half your team sits in a different time zone, your workday stretches beyond the hours stipulated by labour laws of your country. It becomes impossible to disconnect from work and when a government recognises this, it is a welcome sign.
I am told that the new gen or the millennials, with their addiction to instant gratification, find it difficult to differentiate between the real life and cyber life. They do not know where to draw the line when it comes to instant gratification. A post in the cyberspace gets them instant likes similarly they expect the workplace to be full of low-hanging fruits. The reality of the workspace frustrates them and resulting in short tenures at each job.
Work life continues to be constantly evolving and those in a bricks-and-mortar 9 to 5 job find it extremely difficult to fathom the lives of those who have flexi hours and flexi location options.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Give me a Lift

In most of our vertical cities, we are condemned to use the lift at least four times in a day. It begins with getting out of the apartment and coming down to earth and the second use could possibly be when you go up to your ivory tower cubicle or work desk. A third occasion is when the lift hurls you down at the end of your workday from your ivory tower to join the multitude of tired souls trudging back home. And if you are a homing bird the fourth occasion is when the lift encapsulated you and delivers you back to your cocoon your home. Of course, there are people who do not use the elevators even once a day and also those whose usage far exceed the four occasions described above.
I have started noticing the 'lift culture' and I can see it is very telling on the location, time of the day and of course nature of users.
let us look at the 'waiting for the lift' stage. The current generation of potential spondylitis patients that we are, we tend to avoid eye-contact with fellow travelers and busy ourselves with our phones or similar devices. Everyone has their head bent at an awkward angle and eyes squinting at the bright screens of their phones. While most may not have a new message or mail to read, they still do this to avoid any social contact of the brick and mortar, or should I say 'flesh and bone' kind. Then there is always the risk of awkward incidents such as opening up an audio or video which are private in nature. People also use this as an opportunity to show off the devices they possess.
Although eye contact with fellow travelers is avoided, everyone keeps out a surreptitious look for the next lift arriving. There will also be some stealthy moves being made towards the next arrival. Invariably you will find a habitual offender rushing in from nowhere to take up the most vantage access point. These late comers have perfected the art of looking busy, important and most of all the 'I was always here' look.
Reverse engineers are another category of lift users that one comes across. This tribe will take the lift going to the basement to actually go up to a higher floor. They are the ones who have used the local trains in Mumbai  - where you travel back to Churchgate in order to go to Borivli! They beat the crowd and probably lose a few precious seconds of their lives. 
At any and sometimes every floor one comes across the lost souls. The lost souls are the directionless ones who have this perpetual question for the lift traveler when the door opens - " going down?" The indicator outside can flash the brightest colours but these Columbuses will only be satisfied if an inmate answers that the lift is indeed traveling sideways.
The 'button pushers' are another category of panicky travelers. They have a strong belief that the more number of times you push the button the faster the lift travels or arrives. Once they get into the lift they will push the button to close the doors, they do not believe that the door will automatically close and also they do not want anyone else to get in.
The 'blockers' are the category that has just come off the soccer field or the basket ball court. They prefer to travel with a lot of elbow space and leg room. Once they enter the lift, they get rooted at the entrance to ensure nobody else gets in. They run the occupational hazard of getting tackled by the latecomers (described elsewhere).
Finally we have the lift lovers, they leave the lift very reluctantly at their destination. They continue the conversation with fellow travelers, who still have floors to go, holding the door open with total disregard for other passengers. 
